
EU funding and other financing resources for smart innovation in historical cities

14 Apr 2021 — Second meeting of the working group on smart heritage cities

During the second meeting of the Working Group “Smart Connected Communities for Positive Energy Blocks in Cultural Heritage Areas” funding opportunities to bring innovation into historical cities were presented.

The meeting featured Mr. Rui Barroso, from DECSIS, who talked about Funding and Financing Models for Cities and Mr. José Miguel Costa, from the POCITYF consortium, who discussed Horizon Europe funding opportunities for cities.

During his session, Rui Barroso provided examples of digital innovation projects developed on the modernization of the public sector, regional infrastructure on broadband, and energy efficiency fund EEEF in Alentejo Central. José Miguel Costa then discussed the key features of the new Horizon Europe program as well as pointed out the budget allotment relevant to cities. He then listed the calls under the program that provide cities the opportunities for research and development.

The final part of the meeting consisted of a survey and consecutive discussion about the previous presentations resulting in the following points:

  • Mutual learning and potential partnership in international projects were highlighted as the main purpose of the WG.
  • The New European Bauhaus conference will take place on 22 and 23 April. It will be an opportunity to learn more about this new approach proposed by the European Commission.
  • New Horizon Europe calls will open in mid-May.
  • Most participants voted for “Regional available funding” as the topic of the next WG meeting.
  • Several participants have expressed interest in contributing content to the 1st WG newsletter.



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