13 Apr 2021

EU Funding and other Financing Resources for Smart Innovation in Historical Cities

Join the second meeting of the Working Group “Smart Connected Communities for Positive Energy Blocks in Cultural Heritage Areas”

Come join the second meeting of the Working Group “Smart Connected Communities for Positive Energy Blocks in Cultural Heritage Areas”. The theme of this meeting will be EU Funding and other Financing Resources for Smart Innovation in Historical Cities.

During the meeting Mr Rui Barroso, from DECSIS, who will talk about Funding and Financing Models for Cities and Mr José Miguel Costa, from the POCITYF consortium, who will discuss Horizon Europe funding opportunities for cities. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about their fellow audience allowing for further interaction and networking.

The Working Group held its kick-off meeting last November 2020 which was organised by the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) with the collaboration of the city of Évora and other partners of the Horizon 2020 project POCITYF.  Composed of local authorities, municipality representatives, and their stakeholders, the purpose of the group is to facilitate learning from the experiences of the others, the establishment of partnerships, and participation in common projects.


Similarly to the first meeting, participation is free and open to anyone. Registration is, however, mandatory. To sign up, simply follow this link.

