
POCITYF’s energy transition: Bridging the Gap Between Past and Future in Historical Cities

07 Sep 2023 — The future of Alkmaar is now: explore our innovative solutions in new factsheets!

The future is green and sustainable, but the past can be too.
Cultural heritage cities serve as guardians of our history, preserving memories of the past. Alkmaar’s medieval buildings hold the potential to impart valuable lessons, as do the charming villages that surround the city.

POCITYF aims to maintain the historical essence of these buildings while transforming them into highly efficient and technologically advanced structures. By implementing customized solutions and tools, our goal is to decrease their energy consumption and effectively distribute it throughout the district.
We have created four informative groups of factsheets that outline the solutions currently implemented within Alkmaar, based on the Energy Transition Tracks (ETT) developed by POCITYF.

Positive Energy Buildings & Districts (ETT#1):
Conserving energy and promoting the use of renewable energy sources are the main goals of these solutions.
Want to know how they work? Click here!

P2P energy storage and management (ETT#2):
Maximizing self-consumption using innovative heat storage solutions or managing sustainable electricity grid networks: the second Energy Transition Tracks (ETT) is focused on this and much more! What are the other tools?
Click here to discover them!

E-mobility integration into smart grid (ETT#3):
Smart solar charging through a control algorithm and bidirectional chargers to provide flexibility to the grid are only few of the many mobility solutions that Alkmaar is developing.
Find more here!

Citizen driven co-creation (ETT#4):
Citizen engagement is essential to improve the solutions implemented. By using both new and existing app people can share their comments and insights.
Want to know more about Alkmaar’s technological future? Click here!

Do you also want to see which solutions are being implemented in Evora? Read all their factsheets here!


Picture by Derks24, Pixabay.