
POCITYF – Newsletter #6

lights in a city
lights in a city

18 Jul 2023 — Don't miss the updates from your favourite smart city project!

You can read the full newsletter online here!

Dear readers,
don’t miss the updates from POCITYF!

In our Lighthouse cities, the work is progressing well with the solutions being installed at the pilot sites:


  • solar panels are being installed in combination with 2 batteries in such a way to store energy and relieve the pressure on the electricity grid.
  • in Bloemwijk all apartments and houses are equipped with energy-saving and energy-producing techniques, including roof integrated heat pumps, solar panels and triple glazing
  • the focus is now on realizing a monitoring infrastructure to actually measure the energy performance of the buildings in order to determine the energy positivity.
  • the combined charging station/lamp post for cars and boats is ready to be used.


  • the Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) from INESC TEC were installed in the residential/commercial clients of the city centre as well as smart meters.
  • in one of the buildings the AVAC systems are already being controlled (using flexibility algorithms from UNINOVA) to lower the energy consumption of the building.
  • the Mobile App will be available soon, and it will allow the clients to visualise their energy data (production and consumption), hopefully leading to more conscious decisions regarding energy expenditure and lower electricity bills.
  • an explanatory session was held to help the citizens establish an Energy Community which will allow the testing of the P2P energy trading platform in the future.


The Replication Plans of the Fellow Cities are now available!
In these last few months our Fellow Cities have been finalising their first version of the replication strategies. Each Fellow City discussed how integrated solutions might be adapted to their own local heritage context, what are the requirements and potential barriers to their installation.

Our partner INESC TEC published a paper about a three-staged model methodology and a tool to manage renewable energy communitties with local energy trading and contribute to local grid services.
CERTH won a Green Brand Awards in the category R&D for Green Service for their software platform VERIFY (Virtual Integrated Platform on Life Cycle Analysis). Congratulations!

Finally, we were very happy to participate and organise some events.

POCITYF participated to Scalable Cities event in Valencia and to Sustainable Places 2023!
EURADA also organised three online meeting of Smart Heritage Cities Working Group which focused on sharing experiences and best practices with previous EU smart city projects.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned!

Best regards,
Julia Pereira

You can read the full newsletter online here!